The International Labour Organization (ILO) has created a methodology for SMEs that combines
different management systems to improve working conditions and productivity. This program has
given training to more than 235,474 employees around the world, reporting increases in productivity
between 14% and 50%. And DOTAMOS invites you to know the program!
The program is called SCORE and has been used in more than 11 countries internationally, among
them, we can find: Colombia, India, Ghana, Peru, Tunisia, among others.
The program is divided into 5 important phases or modules, developed for:
 Increasing the productivity and the competitiveness culture
 Improving the working environment and labor conditions
 Minimizing delays, defects and waste.
 Satisfying consumer needs.
The most important phase is cooperative and team work, which in the end will represent the
success in the company. Below, we will explain you better this SCORE methodology with a graphic:


As you can see in the graphic, module 1 is the base from where emerge the other modules, which
can be chosen indifferently according the needs of each Company.
Training process, technical support and follow-up of the SCORE methodology is developed by
Score Mentors through business visits and classroom capacitation where managers and employees
are involved. There lies the importance of its application, owing to the fact that has been a program
that has generate good results in performance indicators that improve significantly from mentoring.
We invite you to apply it to your company!